A home for Dixie : the true story of a rescued puppyThis is a sweet picture book, perfect for the kid who dreams about getting a dog of their own. A Home for Dixie begins with a little puppy arriving at a dog shelter. Emma's family decides that it is time to get a dog, and they visit a local dog shelter. They decide that this little puppy is just right for them. A very touching part of the story shows Dixie's adjustment to her new home, and how Emma and Dixie grow to love each other. It's written by a high school girl about her real life experience with her dog, and the pictures are of the real dog with her family. I think kids will enjoy the real-life feeling of this book. Perfect for 1st and 2nd graders.
by Emma Jackson, photographs by Bob Carey
New York: Collins, 2008.
ages 4 - 8
How to talk to your dog
by Jean Craighorn George
HarperCollins, 2003
ages 4 - 8

"There is also the joyous hello. When you return home, your dog greets you bounding, tail wagging, body swishing, and with his head lowered in deference to you. He might lick you to seal the welcome. You don't have to lick back. That will please him, but he will love you even if you don't. A hug or head pat is your 'joyous hello' to your dog."Find A Home for Dixie at the Oakland Public Library and the Berkeley Public Library.
Find How to Talk to your Dog at the Oakland Public Library and the Berkeley Public Library.
This review is written by Mary Ann Scheuer for Great Kid Books. Copyright 2009, all rights reserved.