I'm excited to listen to this panel of authors talk about their experiences Skyping with elementary, middle and high schools. I'm curious to see how they establish a rapport with kids, even when the video gets blurry. Do kids feel like they're really connecting the with author? How do they show visuals?
I'm sure librarians will be interested in whether authors charge, how they go about setting up video conferences, and what type of technology authors have preferred.
Come listen to this great group of authors, as they share their experiences and learn from one another:
- Laurel Snyder, author of Bigger Than a Bread Box
- Jarrett Krosoczka, author of The Lunch Lady series
- Melissa Stewart, author of Deadliest Animals
- A.S. King, author of Reality Boy
- Vicki Cobb, author Your Body Battles a Cold
- Laura Given, moderator & school librarian
Follow along the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #aasl13 on Friday morning!Authors Who Skype
AASL National Conference
Friday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am
room F1-MC
©2013 Mary Ann Scheuer, Great Kid Books
This is great, Mary Ann :) I'm sure you'll enjoy it. And my friend, Ame Dyckman, does a LOT of skype visits with classrooms, in case you wanted to know :) I have no idea what or if she charges, but I know she's very generous with SWAG lol