Pat Mora began this collection of poems, prompted by a librarian who asked her for poetry that really spoke to teens about love. Mora began by writing free verse poems, but then began experimenting with other more structured verse forms as well. The result is a lovely collection with a little something for everyone. Mora explores the glow of a first love, the deep love a daughter has for her father, the special connection a young teen has with his or her cat. I was particularly taken by her use of imagery scattered throughout. My favorite poem in the collection is "Mariachi Fantasy". I'm hoping you can see it here on Google Books:Dizzy in Your Eyes:
Poems About Love
by Pat Mora
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010
ages 12 - 16
available on Amazonand at your local library
The image of the tall cactus, standing proud like a mariachi with his head thrown back really struck me, rooted in a clear image, place and culture. Mora uses Spanish words and images throughout many poems, to wonderful effect.
An interesting aspect of the book is that Mora continually shifts the point of view and voice of each poem. Sometimes, you're hearing from a young boy, other times a girl. Sometimes it's someone who has a crush on someone, other times it's someone who's just been dumped. This makes the collection better for dipping and diving, finding what speaks to you, rather than reading from beginning to end.
Dizzy in Your Eyes
I'd like to thank Pam at MotherReader for sending me her copy of Dizzy in Your Eyes. Pam, I'm sorry it took me so long to review it! To answer your question from last year, I think that the design can work well for this collection. It seems very browsable to me and the teens I checked with.
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